Desk Clerk: Good afternoon, Mr. May I help you?
Customer: Yes, my name is Peter Nilsson. I have a reservation for two.
Desk Clerk: Let me see, Nilsson you said….. no I can’t find it. How long ago did you make the reservation?
Customer: About a two month ago.
Desk Clerk: Do you know the exact date?
Customer: Give me a second, I think I have it in my agenda. Yes, it was the 15th of July
Desk Clerk: Ok, I found it. The problem was that someone forgot to write your name on the main list.
Customer: Is everything in order?
Desk Clerk: Yes, sir. There’s no problem. Fill out this registration card please
Customer: Here it is.
Desk Clerk: How long are you planning to stay?
Customer: Two weeks. We will spend our vacation in a club.
Desk Clerk: That sounds like fun. Here is your key. The room number is 213. Thanks for choosing us and enjoy your stay.
Customer: Thank you
Hola, muy interesada en todo el material relativo al las distintas tareas de empleados de hoteleria(especial 5 estrellas).Tengo un programa de inglés presentado como requisito para mi título de postgrado. ..y me robaron de mí carro toda la parte audiovisual es decir no tengo diálogos o parte audio visual para dar soporte a la gramática indicada en cada objetivo .Por favor agradecería su apoyo al respecto.
Seque 12 en la materia yhey